
FBcommunity leaders

It's a group dedicated to promoting Motherhood, Parenting, Childbirth, Relationship, Dating, Marriage and Connecting people together on the basis of LOVE all over the World

*Advancing Shattered Family Together and Nurturing Perfect Home In A Way they are Supposed To Bring the Light Of God In Existent In a family!

*To repair the problems in marriage and strengthen relationships...

 *Preparing bachelors and spinsters towards having a successful marriage life.

*Educate parents on child upbringings.

*Marriage Therapist

* And many more.

I'ts special because so many testimonies has been pouring in worldwide, thanking us for creating such a beautiful platform that has been a blessing into their lives, so if we can make some persons smile because of our content, i believed we're doing our job.

Yea we have impacted so much into people lives positively,

* Through Charity,  repairing the problems in marriage and strengthen relationships, Educating parents on child upbringings, and more.

I believed Facebook created  this circles as a space for community leaders who reside in a location  to interact, learn from each other and share tips and experiences for growing our group and support each other through the often hectic job of running groups,
I believe this gonna be a fun environment for all of us to grow together and grow our groups as well.

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